Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Journalist Cap III

1. Apple's new Snow Leopard operating system features the Open Computing Language (OpenCL), new parallel programming technology that Apple hopes will become a standard for use with all operating systems. Below is the link for full article..
OpenCL: Parallel Programmers' New Best Friend

2. Face the inevitable,
Embrace parallelism. Hardware, software, and applications must all evolve
in anticipation of the proliferation of parallelism. Read the full view point in "Communications"
magazine at page no. 36

3. As RajKamal has pointed out that Intel is on buying spree, here is one view why Intel has bought these companies

4. Intel adds parallel programming features to compilers. Read more

5. The coolest and scariest things coming in the chip industry's future. At the Hot Chips chip design conference at Stanford University , chip researchers spelled out some of the toughest computing problems of the future and the solutions to deal with them. Read full article here

6. Multiple challenges for multicore processors. Here is an opinion...

Monday, August 24, 2009

Journalist Cap II

-> Multicores are bad for Super-Computers. More cores per chip slows downs data-intensive applications unless there is a big boost in memory bandwidth.

For more info : See the IEEE-Spectrum article here.

-> Intel on a shopping-spree. Acquires 3 multicore software companies listed below in the past few months.

1. Wind-River Systems.
2. Cilk.
3. RapidMind.

For more info : Check this out.

-> DNA May Help Build Next Generation of Chips.

For more info : Click here.

-> Malware Turns Software Compilers into Virus Breeders.

For more info : Check this article here.

-> Hardware Physics A Bad Idea. says Carmack.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Thermal Design Power

The links Phani pointed to has interesting links to look. Here is a wiki entry on what Thermal Design Point (TDP) means? And here is yet another link on Athlon 64 Processor.

Monday, August 17, 2009

20 years of PLDI (1979-1999)

Programming Language Design and Implementation is a top notch conference in programming languages and compilers. Here is a link to the most influential PLDI papers between 1979 to 1999. We shall try to study as many papers as possible from this list.


You should also go through and pick any paper that sounds interesting for presenting in the class.

Journalist Cap I

Interesting Things for a Compilers guy.

  • Dally's Interesting comments about Intel's new Larrabee.
Bill Dally is the new Chief Scientist of Nvidia.
"I think also that the fact that they've adopted an x86-instruction set puts them at a disadvantage. It's a complex instruction set, it's got instruction prefixes, it only has eight registers and while they claim that this gives them code compatibility, it gives them code compatibility only if they want to run one core without the SIMD extension. To use taphe 32 cores or use the 16-wide SIMD extension , they have to write a parallel program, so they have to start over again anyway. And they might as well have started over with a clean instruction set and not carry the area and power cost of interpreting a very complicated instruction set - that puts them at a disadvantage as well."

  • There exists a law similar to Moore's law about Compiler Advances.
Proebsting's Law : Compiler Advances Double Computing Power Every 18 years.
More about it here : http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/toddpro /papers/law.htm

  • Intel Acquires Cilk++ Technology

  • New Optimizing compiler for Multi-core

  • A different view on Multi-core programming. Interesting.