- AMD launches its fastest ever CPU(Phe nom II 965) on August 13th. Some more technical details about the proc, here http://www.lifebump.com/?p=101
- Dally's Interesting comments about Intel's new Larrabee.
Bill Dally is the new Chief Scientist of Nvidia.
"I think also that the fact that they've adopted an x86-instruction set puts them at a disadvantage. It's a complex instruction set, it's got instruction prefixes, it only has eight registers and while they claim that this gives them code compatibility, it gives them code compatibility only if they want to run one core without the SIMD extension. To use taphe 32 cores or use the 16-wide SIMD extension , they have to write a parallel program, so they have to start over again anyway. And they might as well have started over with a clean instruction set and not carry the area and power cost of interpreting a very complicated instruction set - that puts them at a disadvantage as well."
- GCC-CCVM is a new language to represent Parallel applications. More about it here : http://gitorious.org/gcc-ccvm
- There exists a law similar to Moore's law about Compiler Advances.
Proebsting's Law : Compiler Advances Double Computing Power Every 18 years.
More about it here : http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/toddpro /papers/law.htm
More about it here : http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/toddpro /papers/law.htm
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